These first two photos were taken with a lens that has a total focal length of 600mm (a 75-300mm lens and a 2X tele converter). Since it is on a digital Canon D-60 camera that length is multiplied by 1.6 making it equivalent to a 960mm lens on a 35mm film camera. Using a tele converter makes it difficult to hand hold and it also requires manual focus, hence the lack of sharpness. The tele converter also uses up a lot of light making the shutter speeds much slower.
On these next two photos, I used just the 75-300mm lens. They are much sharper since it is on auto focus and it is much easier to hand hold a shorter lens.
These last two photos are wider shots showing the entire waterfall. Note the small 'dots' on the waterfall. They are the guys climbing.
In case you are wondering, yes I did use a little 'trick' to make the zoom look larger.